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Factors that affect Google Page Rank

When we talk about Page Ranking, We have to find out those factors google uses to give page ranking. Google uses more than 250 algorithms to give a page ranking and we do not know all of them, But some factors are that we can identify. Google gives ranking on the basis of popularity of a webpage. If a webpage is popular enough, Google will give higher page rank to that page.

In this article I am giving some factors google uses to give a ranking to a page.

1: First of all google sees domain type. If you are using .org, .net, .mil or .info domain, you will get higher priority then .com domain.

2: How many page views are performed by the viewer on your site, is the second factor google uses to give page rank. If you have higher page view per day, you will get higher priority in the SERPs.

3: How many unique visitors you get per day is the third factor. If you get higher unique visitors per day, your page ranking will go high.

4: How long your visitors stay on your site is another important factor for google to give you higher page ranking. So create unique and informative quality content so that visitor stay for long time on your site.

5: How many one way backlinks your site have, is the highest priority important factor google sees in your webpages to give your site a high priority in SERPs and High Page Rank.

6: The quality of your backlink sites is also an important factor google sees. If you are getting .org, .net, .mil or .info domain backlink, you will get higher priority than .com domain back link.

7: The rank of your back linkers web site is the highest important factor which get jump your site to higher page rank just within 1 or 2 months.(If you uses YouTube videos on your site, your site gets higher priority to get page rank.)

8: How many readers you have also affects your page rank. If you have more reader, no problem what your page rank is, you will get the first page of google's organic SERPs.

9: How many followers you have also affects your page rank. Higher follower higher page ranking.

10: How many pages you have in your site and how frequently you updates your site/blog, is also a factor google sees to give you page ranking. If you are posting too frequently, you will get higher page ranking too fastly.

11: How old your site is. If your site is old enough, you will get higher priority.

These are some common factors to get higher page ranking. Keep these factors in mind when you create your next post. Google gives only 15 importance to Off Page Optimization. So keep continues to get high page rank quality backlink to get your page higher Page Rank.

From: Google Adsense Alternative - E-marketing Strategies


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