Was going through the book '101 ways to reach the next level' and came across a very nice article. It said one should find the perfect moment daily. Of course our lives could have been better but some how we are missing the perfect moment that passes by daily. I have made a resolution to enjoy my life with the support of those very moments. I want to see less of negativity in my life and be positive about every phase, want to find perfect moments daily by being optimistic.
How to be Mentally Strong? Ami Morin is a therapist and has written the bestseller "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do". I haven't read the book but I have heard her tedx talk. Here is the guidance by Amy Morin and my notes on them. Believe in yourself We usually have certain beliefs about ourselves that are developed during our childhood. Like I am lazy to finish any task, I am an angry person, I am only good to people for certain amount of time etc. These are the statements usually by my key person, my guardian or my mom. I do feel offended when she says so but I accept it like a blind faith. If I try to say good things about myself and prove with incidences I can regain faith in my efforts, in myself. That will make me HAPPY. Daily Gratification is a good habit I will cultivate. It will surely make me feel special and thankful for what i have. Achieving my goals will elevate my faith in myself. Don't Compare yourself We find ourse...
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